The ONLINE FRESH date is a brilliant tool for acquiring customers easily – even during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve come up with something very special so that your customers have a chance to experience RINGANA products with all their senses during an ONLINE FRESH date.
Brand new:
ONLINE FRESH date sample box

Contains: 1x FRESH tooth oil sample, 1x FRESH hand balm sample, 1x FRESH body milk sample, 1x RINGANAchi_ _ (1 unit)
We bet you’re asking yourself how you and your customers can lay their hands on our brand-new ONLINE FRESH date sample box?
It’s easy: on 15.10.2020 the ONLINE FRESH date kit for only € 59 will join our other products in the Partner Shop. It contains 1 brand-new ONLINE FRESH date sample box for you and 7 free vouchers* for the ONLINE FRESH date sample box. You can give these out to your customers before the ONLINE FRESH date.
And so that it all goes smoothly…
1. Make sure you send the voucher code out to your guests in good time, before the ONLINE FRESH date, by e-mail, text message, Messenger, etc.
2. Your guest registers* punctually on before the ONLINE FRESH date and orders a free ONLINE FRESH date sample box, using the voucher code.
3. The customer receives their free package from RINGANA with no postal charges before the ONLINE FRESH date. (Please make note of shipping times)
4. Discover the contents of the ONLINE FRESH date sample box together during the ONLINE FRESH date**.
RINGANA me bonus = ONLINE FRESH date kit
Is it the case that you chose the me bonus when you started your RINGANA career but haven’t made use of it yet? That’s good because you can use it now to redeem the ONLINE FRESH date kit. You’ll find the voucher code on your statement.
See more info about the RINGANA me bonus here